Last night was hair night. I always enjoy getting my hair done, because really, what girl doesn't? We get to sit and gab and my hair gets colored and brushed and cut and styled.
Well, as a new mom, and my hair appointment being in the evening... I yawned a lot. Like enough to cause Anna, my favorite stylist, to ask me if I wanted some coffee. 9 times out of 10, I will automatically (politely) decline any food or drink. I mean, it's kind of awkward to eat and drink in front of people who aren't eating and drinking with you, amiright?
Well. A couple things factored into my decision here:
1. *yawn*
2. I know Anna pretty well. She's been doing my hair for a long time. She's a mom, we both have December babies. We talk about everything. She knows things about me that most "good friends" don't know. (Mainly thanks to Jessica, who tells people things she shouldn't)
3. She offered iced coffee.
4. She was making one for her salon manager, too, who was there re-stocking her shelves with all the latest product.
So, I felt better about accepting her offer. She's also in the middle of a big move, so she only had leftover dishes and mugs and glasses to offer up (her salon is in her house). One of the glasses she had available happened to be an oversized mason jar. She asked me if I wanted iced coffee, and I practically backflipped out of my chair.
Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes. Always iced. All ice, all the time.
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