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Weekly Roundup: 100k

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I missed posting this on Friday, because, well - life. I was out of town starting Thursday for a work retreat with all my San Francisco peeps, and realized I hadn't officially scheduled this to post. Blogging fail. The question was:

If you were given $100,000 with instructions that you could ONLY spend it on yourself and your loved ones, tell me how you'd spend it?

I told them not to say things that are responsible, like saving money. Haha! But, truth be told - that's what we'd do. We're adults now... it's actually a little hard to think of ways I would be with ok blowing money. But, if I was just going to list out some other actions I'd take... here's where my 100k would go.

Ok, this wasn't so hard.
  • Tithe
  • A couple great deal fixer-upper rental properties in our city - something that could get us started flipping some houses. As painstaking as this process has been with our own home, we'd love to do it again with a house we're NOT trying to move into.
  • A family vacation. A Hawaiian/Disney adventure sounds perfect.
  • Christmas for the whole family in a huge log cabin somewhere in the snow
  • A weekend trip with my girls to wine country
  • All the liptsticks in Sephora
  • A chunk in the boys' college funds
  • A trip to NYC with just my hubby!
How would you spend a free 100k?
Shirri: Well, first off, I would have to buy my husband the truck and boat of his dreams. How does that song go? Money can't buy happiness but It can buy you a boat and a truck to pull it right?! I'd make an awesome play room for my boys, and include those cute little tee-pees. We'd also have to take a trip to Sea World: as I was writing this, my oldest son asked me what I was doing so I told him. His exact words were: "Holy crap, mama! You better take us to Sea World!". Finally last, but surely not least, I would get myself a nice little hot tub, a stock pile of wine, a MacBook pro, and a new nightly tradition. That sounds heavenly!
Andrea: Easy. Travel, travel, travel. We had the opportunity to go to Europe twice last year, and I would love to take my family back to Iceland for a few weeks to go hiking, waterfall hunting, and hot-spring soaking. My husband and I went to Australia for our honeymoon five years ago, and while we vowed we would NEVER take that 17 hour flight again, we find ourselves itching to go rent an RV and drive around New Zealand. I think 100,000 should cover both of these trips quite nicely!

Courtney: As a wife to a pro-basketball player overseas and full time online fitness + nutrition coach, it’s pretty easy to spend $100,000 on loved ones! First, I would tithe 10% because I believe anything I receive is by God’s grace. Then, I would pay off my remaining student loans. Third, I would put $20,000 as a down payment on a house. Eek! This is so fun! Fourth, I fly my husband’s parents out to visit us in California. He’s originally from Australia, so his parents reside in Sydney. Fifth, purchase several “Jesus Calling” books by Sarah Young to give to friends!

Kelsey: The first thing I'd want to buy is a new car! Honestly, I've learned that there's a reason moms drive mom cars. Have you ever tried doing your monthly Costco trip with two kids in carseats and a stroller in your trunk while driving a 98' Corolla? I pretty much have loaves of bread and fruit snacks on my lap while driving home. It's ridiculous. I love traveling, so I'd definitely want to take a trip to somewhere overseas with my husband and no kids (can I get an amen!?). And of course, I'd put on my "boring adult" hat and make Dave Ramsey proud by paying off some of our debt.
Nicole: If I was given $100,000 and I could only spend it on myself and my loved ones, I would put a down payment on a little farm house I have always dreamed about, and send my parents on a nice and luxurious vacation. They have worked two jobs most of their adult life, to support their kids and let us have an amazing life, and I would love to give back to the most deserving people I know. I would also take my girls and husband to Disneyland!

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