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Goodbye, Negative Nancy

Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 20, Monday: 

Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now.

I feel like I kind of went over this in Day 16; I feel pretty blessed with what I've been given, and despite the typical "new mom" struggles, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on life. And of course, there's the normal female struggles -- being happy when I look in the mirror, finding a cute outfit on the floor of my room (because that's where all my clothes are), hating my hair... but really? I can't possibly find enough to say about those things for an entire post.

I think, if anything, something I'm struggling with right now is putting up with negative people. Normally, I can brush it off -- I've been known for a funny Negative Nancy blog here or there (I mean, rants are funny!)... but if you complain again about how no one appreciates you, about how tired you are, about how you're sick of being taken for granted...

Um. Change it. And stop complaining.

We have all the control in the world over our own reactions, so when the same people repeatedly choose to complain, I lose just a little bit more compassion with every passing day. How can you be in such a rage when you're clearly blessed? You have a healthy family, YOU ARE HEALTHY, you have a roof over your head, a job you love, a car to drive... if your husband fell asleep once or twice without kissing you goodnight or thanking you for washing his clothes, then you should probably talk to him about it rather than taking to Facebook to air all your dirty laundry. Literally.

Wow, that felt good.

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