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Tis The Season For... Elf Storage.

Monday, November 4, 2013

My husband and I got out for an impromptu date night tonight, which was so, so, so needed after a long weekend. I hardly saw him, and Porter was definitely fighting off a stomach bug (or teething worse than anything I could have imagined) all day Saturday and Sunday, so today was a perfect time to catch up and refresh with my favorite guy.

We were driving home, listening to some music and laughing about nothing, when we drove by a sign on the 705 for Tacoma Self Storage. Paul knows how much I adore the holidays, so he knew I would appreciate what he was about to say.

"Do you want to know what one of my favorite things about the holidays are?"

Assuming he was going to say something romantic or incredibly festive, I snuggled down into my heated seat, pulled my cozy oversized sweater tight around me and smiled up at him. "Aww, no, babe... what would that be?"

"When Tacoma Self Storage becomes Tacoma Elf Storage... I'm not kidding. It makes me giddy. I get so excited, it's pretty much the best thing ever."

*blank stare*

Here's what he's talking about:


Ok, fine. That's pretty freakin' cute. Happy Holidays, from my hubby to you.


  1. That is pretty cute! Do they do that themselves? No? You live so close to me, kind of. I'm in Marysville. It's good to follow a fellow Washingtonian!

    1. You know what, I'm not sure if they do it themselves -- but if they did, that would be genius and even CUTER! I love meeting fellow Washingtonian mama-bloggers, too! Glad we're connected! :)

  2. Their managers has some of the best customer service skills ever. For example: I called once to ask about changing unit sizes. The person who answered was perfectly nice & helpful.

  3. This storage place is great to store your excess items, whichever they may be. Whether your storing your winter items and exchanging them for summer items, everything will be safe and clean.


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