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Weekend Check-In

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Obsessing over: This. My husband, and some of my best friends did an acoustic cover of Katy Perry's "Roar", and it was o-m-g incredible. Watch for yourself (time well spent, promise). My husband is is the one that sings the first verse, and then a couple other parts... but holy moly. I can't tell you how impressive this was in person.

Working on: Cleaning out my personal email. Almost 4,000 emails, and I need, like, 0 of them. But, I'm a virtual hoarder. My iPhoto and inboxes are a disaster. No bueno. It's like a feel like I'm deleting my child if I delete a single, solitary picture of him.

Thinking about: Porter. He's snoozing right now, but we're having some serious issues right now with him... it's either a little tummy bug, or teething is really throwing him for a loop. Projectile vomiting, though, no matter what the reason... sucks. I've never felt so helpless.

Anticipating: The day we put up our Christmas tree. I know it's only November 3rd, but it's coming... I assure you. I would have been great with putting it up on Halloween.

Listening to: The Seahawks game is on in the background.

Drinking: Caramel Brûlée Latte! I love holiday Starbucks.

Wishing: That October wasn't over... it flew by, seriously. I can't believe it's November, and I'm going to have a one year old next month.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend! :) Tomorrow is MONDAY... which means a brand new week, full of opportunities. I love a blank canvas, don't you?

1 comment:

  1. "I feel like I'm deleting my child if I delete a single, solitary picture of him."
    YES and LOL!


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