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Happy Birthday, Jessica Jones | 1

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Instead of the normal birthday collage, I am going to be featuring my best friend @jessicanjones, the birthday girl, throughout the day. We're getting too old to be able to remember all of our fun memories without a little bit of work, 

so I'm going to start from the beginning and see how I can do.

This photo is from 2008, the year we "re-met". We bonded over the campfire at Dave Matthews Band, which we attended together because of mutual friends at church. When she told me she had an affinity for all the pieces of the Pub Mix I hated (I mean, how perfect is that), and she brought all the magazines I hadn't, I clung onto her like white on rice (hehe).

We got to talking, and discovered that Jess and I actually met YEARS before that - I was the front desk administrative assistant at a real estate office, and she was the personal assistant for one of the agents. I was a crabby, arrogant, bleached blonde with a love for Britney Spears and huge chip on my shoulder between the hours of 8-5pm; I couldn't fathom how no one understood how to do anything themselves in an office setting - are people really that technologically challenged? I mean, you enter your code, your press how many copies you want, you stand on your head for 13 seconds, you clear our your code, and YOU PRESS 'COPY'!

So, imagine my excitement when a super cute, trendy girl walked in. FINALLY. Someone I didn't have to hand-hold through the whole tech process. She was so smart and capable, I just knew she was going to make my life easier. I mean, her Macy's blazer was screaming "business profesh".

Imagine my disdain when she called me an hour later at the front desk to ask me how to check her voicemail.

She didn't even know which line was hers yet (I still remember she was extension 2252), but if she would have thought to pick up the phone on her desk and look at the screen, it displays the extension after a 10 second pause and pressing the * button three times in rapid succession, but whatever... apparently that was too hard to figure out herself. I mean, aren't Asians supposed to be extra smart? Well. She "claims" I never gave her the instructions I said I would, but I still think she's lying. So, she needed my assistance... and that - in addition to re-filling the coffee pot - is what I was paid to do. I stomped back there and showed her, and she didn't say much - but she nodded her understanding. I glared at her one final time and left.

Later Jessica told me she had nicknamed me the mean, squeaky-voiced blonde. We never talked again, although we worked about 10 feet apart for quite some time. I'm pretty sure she avoided me between the years of 2004-2008.

Our friendship is proof that God can restore ALL THINGS.

(Sorry Davey, this isn't about you.)

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