Here we are in 2011, on one of our favorite days of the year... which comes again this Friday! You always like to take care of me, especially when it comes to things like makeup, or pacing myself during a progressive dinner, or not performing a citizen's arrest on the lady who almost ruined your son's birthday party (and then stole my phone). You look out for me. You teach me things.
You're tricky, though.
You're my voice of reason and my teacher, but also my biggest instigator. It's confusing and always out of control: like when you splashed water on me in the Matador bathrooms, but then tried to tell everyone I had a romper malfunction. Or when you told me Tumblr was the best blogging platform, then promptly switched to Wordpress (same thing happened when I finally got a Blackberry... you peaced out to Team iPhone and I was over hanging out on BBM all by myself). Or, when you revealed to me that South America was actually a continent for the first time, and I swore you to secrecy, but then you blogged the whole freaking conversation (an alias of Schmorianne helps NO ONE). Or when you told me it would be funny to scare Paul last year by reenacting the whole "Danger!!" scene from Friends, but then your foot ended up getting cut open by a glass I broke and somehow it all became my fault for being "too committed" to the moment.
You're actually kinda mean.
It's ok, though. I got even during the whole "AN EGG IS JUST A BABY CHICKEN" revelation.
Thank you for the years of laughs, my friend... and you're welcome for many of those moments being at my expense.
3 hours ago
Nice post!