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In Joy Essential Oils

Why Essential Oils?

I started using essential oils in 2012 at the encouragement of my sister-in-law, right before my first son was born. I'd been on a mission to "clean up" my lifestyle, and when I realized that I could support my body, sleep, and manage my occasionally anxious thoughts by using natural alternatives... I had to try it all. It wasn't long before I fell in love.

I turned to oils to support my immune system during seasonal discomfort. During pregnancy, I supported my blood pressure just with the help of Ylang Ylang. Peppermint oil stopped my mid-labor nausea within seconds (literally, seconds). Rosemary oil in my bath water sped up my postpartum recovery. I relied on Lavender to calm my cranky baby from the time he was born. I added Frankincense to my skincare routine and was amazed when my tired skin brightened up almost immediately. I've been dabbling for years, but I know I've only scratched the surface of "there's an oil for that". It's so, so true - and I can't wait to document my journey from here and take you all along with me.

How to get your Premium Starter Kit + 24% discount!

Sign up as a wholesale member, pick your favorite kit. Get your 24% discount, which you will get with every single order. To keep your membership and discount from going inactive, simply place one 50PV (about $50) order for the year, that’s it! 
How to sign up:
1. Click HERE to enroll.
2. Select MEMBER, so you can get the wholesale discount. If you select ‘Retail Customer’ you will not receive wholesale pricing.
3. My Enroller ID and Sponsor ID is: 11416622. If this is not already populated, you can place this number in both boxes.
4. Choose your favorite kit.
Please note: There is an option to sign up for an Essential Rewards (ER) kit. This is an awesome, but optional, rewards program. You can sign up anytime and you don’t need to purchase a kit to be a part of it. The kits are fabulous, that is why they showcase them at sign-up.

Young Living Essential Oil FAQ

What are the benefits of becoming a wholesale member?

Becoming a wholesale member/distributor gets you wholesale pricing, which is 24% off retail price. You are included in our closed Facebook group (In Joy Essentials), where we learn all about essential oils and how to use them. I am committed to my team, and to helping them get the resources they need to navigate essential oil usage safely. You have the option of joining Essential Rewards at anytime. You also have the option to share essential oils with friends and family, and to earn some money. This is completely optional, but it's nice to know the option is there, right?

Is there a monthly order minimum?

No. You do not have to order monthly in order to benefit from being a wholesale member. The only requirement to keep your wholesale discount is to make a minimum 50 PV (personal volume) order per year. This is about $50 yearly.

The Essential Rewards program does have a monthly minimum of 50PV to be a part of it, and you also get a % of that back.

I don’t really want to sell oils. Do I have to sell Young Living products to be a Distributor?

Nope! There is no requirement to have a business. Out of all of YL’s wholesale members, 92% of them do not sell a thing.

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