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21DF | Cooking Tip

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

On the Fix, your teaspoons are like gold.

Peanut butter, or olive oil?

Um. I want all 4 of my allotted teaspoons per day available for peanut butter, please.

When cooking up your veggies, baking your chicken or dressing your salads - I highly recommend these sprays! It cuts down on oil usage SO MUCH - I spray a quick spray of coconut oil over my chicken before it goes in the oven, and, shame on me... I don't count it as one of my precious teaspoons

Shhh. Don't tell Autumn.

Spritz the oil in the pan and over your veggies before you cook them. Instead of pouring a teaspoon of EVOO over your salad to mix with your balsamic vinegar, spray your lettuce very lightly with EVOO spray. Far less ham 1tsp, and does the job.

Save those teaspoons for the good stuff, folks.


  1. Does the coconut oil flavor the food like coconut?

    1. GREAT question, and no - I don't notice a flavor change AT ALL. I'd prefer my chicken NOT to taste like coconut, so that would be a gamechanger for me. ;)

  2. Well, I know that PAM Coconut Oil spray does not smell, finally I can fry an egg in coconut oil👍


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