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Think Happy, Be Happy: A Weekly Link-Up!

Monday, March 14, 2016

"Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is." -Mandy Hale

Hello friends! This link party was created as a way to create some inspiration and happiness as we begin our week. It can be hard to find the happiness in our day to day, and I believe it truly does help to take a second to find the positive. Please take a second to visit all of my wonderful co-hosts who will be sharing this link party as well!
The happiness I am reflecting on this morning is power in persistence. My family and I started remodeling a home over 2 years ago. We thought it would be a quick process, but, to spare all the crazy details - it wasn't. Obviously. It's now two years later, and we're finally moving this week. 

Here is a recent photo from our kitchen, below, and you can follow more progress and update photos as we move in, through our hashtag on Instagram.

I wish I could say I was happy and faith-filled through the process, but I wasn't. I wanted to walk away, I wanted to quit. I wanted to just go buy something that was ready for us to move in - because the walls we kept coming up against were ridiculous. But, luckily, my husband kept us on track and we powered through. We survived the time apart as I stayed home with the boys and my hubby sanded floors, even though there was nothing more frustrating at the time. And now, my husband can say his hand was truly in every single aspect of this renovation: he helped get lighting up, he cleaned up after contractors and scheduled the next one, he sanded the floors and put up subway tile and painted and measured. He did everything he could to get us in - even if it was just one day sooner.

And here we are! It's moving week. And THAT makes me so happy!

  Think Happy Be Happy Link Party  

Rules of the Party:

  • Leave a link to your actual post and not your homepage. A link back to your host, is greatly appreciated. Feel free to grab our link party button to add to your post.
  • Please link up only your happiness related posts.
  • Don’t link up and run, please visit other bloggers. Make new friends or say hello to old friends.
  • Please follow your hosts and guest hosts in some way.
  • Have fun with your posts! I truly hope it helps with starting your week off on a positive note!

Easter Basket Inspiration - Little Boy Edition

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Easter is coming up, and Paul and I are going to do something we have never done before: we're going to spend some time putting together thoughtful Easter baskets for the boys, rather than running out the night before to buy chocolate and cheap candy.

I know, I know. A Pinterest mom, I am not. It only took me 3 years to get motivated enough to want to do something a little strategic.

I was inspired by my friend Misty to look around and put together a little "Easter inspiration" board for little boys. Now, don't worry - I'm not necessarily going to go spend $50 on a stackable toy that I can find cheaper at Target (but ugh, how beautiful is that). These are just ideas for me (and you!) if you need them.

Books, bubble bath, blocks, surprise eggs (Thanks, YouTube), sunglasses, stamps, plush toys... there are so many options for fun baskets that DON'T encourage early onset diabetes. Porter is OBSESSED with the new movie, The Good Dinosaur, so we're thinking of centering his basket around that... maybe with his own copy of the movie, a book/coloring book, or an Arlo stuffed animal.

Sidenote: every time Porter gets his little paws on some candy, I cringe a little. I know, it's so mean of me... but I want him to always remember that candy is a treat, not a way of life. Lately, it's all I can do to get him to eat actual food for dinner, and not sneak Pez under the table.

When we build their baskets this week, I'll include a few pieces of something sugar-y, of course... I'm not a total jerk. But, I love the idea of putting together a fun basket with toys that encourage a little physical activity.
Also, as an even bigger sidenote: baskets, toys and candy are fun for us, but we all know and talk about the real meaning of Easter Sunday. Don't get it twisted. ;)

5 Reasons We're Not Buying What You're Selling

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The notification pops up.

A new DM on Instagram? Weird, I rarely get those anymo---


It’s a stranger.

And she’s trying to sell me a products.

Hey girly girl! I love your feed. Hey, have you ever heard of my products? I think you would love them! Hit me up if you want some information. I have *one spot* left on my team and you would be such a perfect fit ! * ! *. My number is in my profile, text me girl! :) :)

Man, oh man. Where do I begin? It takes every ounce of self control I have not to reply to each one and really let them all have it. I just don’t have time, to be honest. I would be doing it all the live long day.

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