Anyway. Here it is: I used to create the next day's newspaper headlines in my head, if I found myself in a situation that is less than desirable. It started out as a funny habit, like if I was with my friends and they did something ridiculous.
Pretty Brunette and Preppy Blonde Bail Fashionable Asian Friend From Jail; Local Store Associates Say Uggs were Stuffed Full of Nail Polish
Then, it started to happen when I was freaked out. Like when I'm home alone: Husband Out of Town; Young Wife Kidnapped From Home. I will then jump out of bed and recheck the doors for the fifteenth time, just to be sure I locked them correctly.
When I'm walking to my car late at night, alone, in the dark: Young Woman Attacked In Nordstrom Parking Lot; Police Have No Suspects.
I mean, who does that!?
I try to keep myself focused on happy thoughts, since, you know... it's probably not healthy to be plotting my trials via headlining news. But lately, I try to do it for happy scenarios too: Baby Sleeps For Thirteen Hours; Family Says Mom Is Rested and Confused!
Local Woman Eats Her Body Weight In Holiday Reese's; Wakes Up 10lbs Lighter, Thanks Breastfeeding
Young Woman Breaks World Record: 36+ Hours Playing iPhone Solitaire!
Do you have any weird or embarrassing habits?
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