(Haha, see what I did there?)
Anyway. Once upon a time, I decided to try something healthy. And I'm talking about the time I decided to only drink regular Coke instead of Diet Coke because, eww, aspartame.
I was 39 weeks pregnant, and was on my way home from a scary overnight stay at the hospital (my anxiety was getting the best of me, my blood pressure had skyrocketed). We stopped at a neighborhood grocery store, and I decided to try Kombucha. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and there's nothing like a freak hospital stay to scare the health into you.
I'll admit. The first time I tried it, I cringed a little. It had a bit of a kick to it... and I usually reserve "kicks" for a really dry glass of red. In a juice? Uhh... meh. Can I just have a coke?
I read up on some of the health benefits, on my way home, though - and I was intrigued.
Organic? Raw? Nourish my body from the inside out? Keep talkin'.
Proprietary probiotics, powerful antioxidants, gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, living food for a living body. Sign. Me. Up.
I bought every flavor available, and I'm happy to say, I'm an huge Kombucha fan now. My husband thinks it's gross, but I'm determined to ease him into it, somehow. The carbonation even satisfies my soda craving! My favorites: Trilogy, Cosmic Cranberry, and Strawberry Serenity.
Have you tried Kombucha? Do you love it, or hate it?
4 hours ago
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