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Button BLISS

Thursday, February 23, 2012

This may not be that exciting for many of you - but I made a button (by myself!) and added it to my site. My husband is much more the HTML-master than me, so the fact that I figured this out is quite the feat.

I'd like to thank Google, really. There are some amazing websites with some foolproof tutorials.

I would love to post your button on my site, so just let me know if you have one available! I'd love to come grab it :) And I promise, I will have a much fancier button soon. But for now, this one will do!

I love you, Blogspot. I'm starting to feel right at home.


  1. you are so cute. i want to make a button!!!

    p.s. you're gorrrrgeous.

    i want your hair.

  2. oh my gosh, I have so been needing to make a button but I am SO bad at computers! I am definitely going to have to check out that link. Thanks for sharing! Love your button by the way, so so pretty!

  3. girl you are adorable!

    lets swap! :]

    & btw i know you found me last week, but i lost all my followers so you might have to add me back again! :]

    xx. ashlyn

  4. i dont know why i just got your message on my blog, but i just created a button! i know you asked for it, so it's now up! hopefully it works, ha, im not much of a coder!

  5. I remember when I made my first button! It was such an amazing "i'm such a bad ass" moment! Just wait, you'll be pro in no time!



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