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Jay & Hay's One Big Day

Saturday, September 19, 2015

I really love weddings. I love love. I love the celebration of a couple choosing to be together, happily ever after. I love the commitment, the statement, and the excitement of a wedding day. I love seeing the personality of the bride and groom come out in all the little details. I love wedding gowns. The hair. The makeup. The choice of dress in which you force all of your girlfriends to wear as they stand by your side to support you on the biggest day of your life (the bride either loves or secretly loathes all of her maids and matrons, and it's hilarious. Haley loved hers, for sure - the cutest dresses, the formal introductions and the dancing entrance!? SO wonderful). I love the photos: memories for a lifetime, that a granddaughter will someday pull out of a box and show everyone how beautiful the women in her family are.

However, the more weddings I go to, the more I realize how much it's about so much more than the little details that you spend weeks and months pouring over. It's the anticipation in the air as a thousand of your friends and family watch a slideshow of two people they truly, honestly adore. It's the admiration for a couple that held strong to their beliefs, loving God above all else, pouring out every ounce of themselves in acts of service to other people day in and day out finally standing together to be united as one. It's about childhood sweetheart exchanging heartfelt vows to continue to take on the world together. It's about moments and people and relationship. I've never been more moved than I was last night - one small supporter in a sea of a thousand, just happy to be in the room as a wonderful couple became husband and wife.

Jon and Haley are those people. They are the head of student ministries at my church. They are younger than me, crazier than me... and I respect and love these guys so much. They're the first ones to the church and the last ones to leave. They love people, they exude joy, they are cheerleaders and hard workers and adventurers and they always have happy, positive things to say. Haley is the first to run up and give me a huge hug and tell me how much she loves me - and I haven't seen or talked to her in weeks. She's just that girl, and Jon is just that guy. They are impacting the world in a big, big way.

What a great wedding last night, Mr. & Mrs. Yadon! You are truly wonderful people and it was an honor to celebrate you. If you're on Instagram, check out #jayandhaysonebigday... so many photos and videos of the festivities. You can feel the love, respect and admiration in every post.

You two rock at life.

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