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Fail To Plan? Plan To Fail.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Here's something super inspiring, today from my Instagram:

All I wanted was a matching Christmas pajama pic. Inspired by this photo, from a blogger I love:
​First of all: nailed it. Clearly. I mean, I did buy the same pajamas. Second, the underlying lesson in all of this is to not force something that just isn't meant to be. At least not right now.

Here's my reality:

Right now, my life is hectic. I don't have perfect lighting because we're living in a basement waiting for our house to be finished (yes. Still waiting). My youngest is just now learning about his freedom, and has no interest in a camera. None at all. It was 10pm when I took this, WAY past their bedtime (they are night owls like their parents).

My perfect photo was doomed to fail.

I think my point is that, sometimes, it's ok to be realistic. It's fun to be a dreamer, and I am a dreamer by nature for sure... but, it's ok to embrace reality sometimes, too. If I wanted this cute holiday picture, I needed a better plan. I needed better hours, better lighting, better moods. I forced it, and it wasn't what I wanted (although, angry Simon is pretty cute).

I think there are probably some areas in your life that feel forced right now, and I think all you need is a better plan. Maybe it's your health, maybe it's your Christmas shopping, maybe it's innovating at work! Time to make a plan to:
  • prioritze your work tasks so you have the mental capacity to think of something amazing for your clients 
  • unplug for the weekend to focus on relaxation and family, so your stress doesn't impact your health 
  • make a list and shop for one person at a time for Christmas 

If you've struggled or if you've failed, be intentional. Get a plan in place and try again. Then, let me know how it works. I like success stories.

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