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Holiday Giveaway: Jesus Calling

Saturday, December 12, 2015

I wish I could properly convey to you what this book has done for me. Jesus Calling has been such a blessing, and in turn, I'm starting to really try to use it to bless others.

I talked to a friend recently who was really going through a rough time in her pregnancy + being a mama of a busy toddler. I totally get it. I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old, and there are times where I feel like I can barely keep my head above water. I have a lot of grace and love for moms that are just trying to be the best they can be. So, there's the weight of the most important job in the world, and then I've also been blessed (haha) to be ridden with all sorts of weird anxieties (which also came along with motherhood, how unfair is that? Like we don't have enough to deal with). Anyway. I was screaming for some reminders about who God is, and what He wants for me. I never finish devotionals, because quite honestly, I just haven't found many that click for me.

Until this one. My sister in law got it for me for Mother's Day, and it's blown me away ever since. This devotional is so timely. Almost freakishly so. Case in point: I was worried about flying to Vegas for a weeklong vacation, away from my kids, and my devotional the night before I left was about not having any idols above Him, and that includes your kids. Trust them to Him, and He will care for them. Calm your heart, mama, and know that God's got them.

I about passed out right there; I felt God's presence so strong with me in that living room on that night, that I still think about it often. I love how Sarah Young writes this devotional - speaking directly to you from God's perspective, about who He is and what He wants for your life. She explains it a bit in her forward - the why behind the heart of this book - and I just fell in love. She spotlights His love in the purest and most beautiful way.

BACK to my story! I sent this book to my friend, and I hope it blesses her like it's blessed me. It's so cheap on Amazon, and you can ship it directly to people (shipping is free if you have Prime). If you know someone that could benefit from this devotional, I encourage you to send one their way - you can include a little note of encouragement, or just ship it to them anonymously.

Let me know if you're doing this devotional, have done this devotional, or know someone that NEEDS this devotional. In fact, I would love to gift a couple of these books right now (this weekend - December 12th and 13th), so if you're in need and can't make the purchase right now, email me at and I'll buy it and ship it directly you.

Merry Christmas!

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