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#21DayFix Me!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I'm a serial dieter.

Atkins, HCG, raw, juice, "eat-kind-of-clean all week and then binge on the weekends" (no joke, I actually thought that would work).

I have a friend named Chelsea, and I watched her total transformation from Day 1. She never harassed me to join her, she never stalked me and tried to sell me... what she involved herself in was so impressive, I started to want it. I started to realize that it wasn't about building a following for her, she just genuinely loves what she does - and has seen her body/life/mind completely change as a result. So, a little over a week ago, I tracked her down and told her I was ready.

She'd been waiting for me. ;)

What had sold me was all the before-and-afters I was seeing of the 21 Day Fix. It looked amazing - totally attainable.

There are a few reason why this program appeals to me:
- It sounds short term. I work so much better if I have the finish line in site... even if that just means it's the finish line for round 1, I still have a finish line. Just like when I was laboring to bring my son into this world, I so badly wanted to know when it would be over... how many more pushes? How much longer do I need to suffer through contractions to give birth without an epidural? I love that there's a finish line with this program, but every time you cross the finish line, there's an upcoming Monday that awaits a fresh start.
- The meal plan is foolproof. Not gonna lie, the color-coding system seemed a little intense at first, but it's really not bad. And, there are lists of foods that you can have. Figuring out how many containers of each color you get is simple. And guess what? Bread is on that list. Whole grain pasta is on that list. CHEESE is on the list! Portion control is key, and that makes me beyond happy. It's ALL about portion control... learning to eat for fuel, and not for fun. 
- Workouts are only 30 minutes and can be done in my living room (and all the working moms say "aaaaamen.")
Paul is doing it with me, which is wonderful. He doesn't need to lose any weight, but he needs to get healthier! Americanos aren't a complete diet. ;)

We are on Day 2 now, and I'm loving it so far! I also did an extra Yoga class last night (two a days? Who am I?) and so I'm feeling the pain today like no other. Today's workout is called "Dirty Thirty". Safe to say, I'm shaking in my Nikes.

Stay tuned!


  1. Replies
    1. ...filters/smart cropping hide a MULTITUDE of sins! But I love you! Thank you so much!

  2. Is this something you buy online? Or you just start it without buying anything? What do you need?

    1. Yes! You buy the program - comes with daily workouts, and a custom meal plan with specific color-coded containers for portion control. :) If you're interested, shoot me an email! :)

  3. Go girl, your so smazing!

  4. LOVED reading this! So excited for you and so motivated to join you! You look perfect the way you are but I can't wait to see your results!
    Love you girl and your writing. "shaking in my nikes" You kill me!


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