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I'm Not The Only One

Friday, September 27, 2013

My son went from sleeping a solid 7 or 8 hours at a time, to waking every few hours to nurse. AKA, teething. Most of the time, I don't mind at all. I stumble into his room, cuddle up with him in our recliner and nurse for a few minutes, and he passes back out within 5 minutes or so. I stumble back into bed, and get a beautiful couple of hours of sleep before it happens again.

I'm grateful for social media. Last night was a special case; Porter woke up several times, and then was up and ready to party at 6:30am. Which is the worst, since I have to be up at 7. I mean, can you not just sleep 30 more minutes so I can, too? I promise, you're not missing anything. Anyway, social media. I'm grateful for it. In those wee hours of the morning, I peruse Facebook and Instagram, and the best comfort in the world is seeing posts at 4am from my friends and their little ones. Up for the day, tearing things out of cabinets; sleepy smiles and crazy hair... and cute kiddos, too ;)

I had this revelation as I laid Porter back down for his morning nap. As a mom, sometimes I feel guilty for wishing this time away. I know he will sleep through the night sooner than later. Someday, I will have to drag him out of bed. Drag him to church. I'll look back on those precious days when my little one was up at the crack of dawn, laughing to himself and wanting to play with his mama, and I'll miss it, of course. Sobering reality check.

And then, there's the mamas that never get to experience this phase of life with their babies. I'm following a few blogs right now of moms with very sick babies, and it literally rips my heart in two. 

God, do I thank you enough for perfect health? Because I truly am so grateful. It's the thing in my life I am most grateful for. I don't take it for granted, ever; I am in awe of Your hand on our lives, always.


  1. try lavender oil on his feet and jaw's really been helping Parker.


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